Time sure flies when you're having fun!! I am exactly one month and 1 week into my fabulous Sisterlock journey and I can say with all unequivocal sincerity that I have loved every minute of it!! I must really be honest, I truly prepared myself for an 'adjustment' period with my locks, where I felt I would question my decision, or I would not truly feel comfortable in my hair. BOY WAS I WRONG!!! I am sooo proud to say that NOT 1 day has gone by that I have second guessed my decision, or thought that my hair didn't look Good!
I've been swamped with work and home life these past several weeks, so I haven't had the chance to post pictures of my first month. However, I just had my FIRST Retightening (yesterday) and I wanted to be sure I captured the look of my locks at this moment in time. I'm doing this in parts - Part I will be the close ups and Part II (which I will do in the morning when I've applied some make-up to this tired face) will be another head shot. I experienced a true defining moment yesterday - My husband and I, along with our little one, were out and about town doing some shopping for the home in a local craft store. As I approached the check-out counter (my hubbie and son waited for me up front) the sales associate smiles and says 'Your Sisterlocks are beautiful!' Now, this may not seem like such a momentous thing in and of itself - mostly because Sisterlock wearers are on this end of such compliments quite often. However, in this city, where there is nary a Sisterlock wearer OR consultant to be seen anywhere, such a compliment is THAT much more sweet to the ears! So, I quickly replied, 'Oh, you're familiar with Sisterlocks? Why thank you!!!' She said, 'yes, my best friend, who lives in D.C., has been locked for 7 years. I seriously thought about getting locks, but I always find a reason to chicken out!' I said, 'I know what you mean, I went through the same thing until I finally asked myself, why are you afraid? What is there to lose?' She said, 'you're right, maybe I'll reconsider it again.' I said, 'you will not regret it, I promise!! ' This marked a special day for me. I felt like - Finally! Someone who didn't look at me as if to say (but never say), 'I wonder what she has in her hair?' Someone actually knew about this glorious locking system and complimented MY hair, at that!! A good feeling, indeed! I am so thrilled!Ok, I really have to do better with taking these photos of myself, or I need to enlist my husband to help me out 'cause this is rediculous. I can never get a good view of my hair! But for now...